Saturday, October 11, 2008



When I first got my Acousti-Coaching CDs, I used them regularly on the Lifecycle at the gym. But then my work situation changed, taking me geographically away from my gym, and I stopped using the CDs. I noticed a feeling of back-tracking, both in how activated my center felt as well as in my stamina in the dance studio. But this past week I started working with the CDs again every day, and for the first time have taken them to the street (as I no longer have that gym membership).

I am amazed at how quickly I’m feeling things come back…my center feels stronger, my spine more activated. And of course, the fabulous endorphin high that lasts the rest of the day… I’ve been using the 5-2 “Serendipity” CD every day. Then today, I did around 4.5 miles (first on some back country roads, and then on a sunny wooded bike trail), starting with the 5-2 rhythm and then switching over to a run/jog using the 6-3 "Zooming" CD.

I love the intense hypnotic quality of the 5-2 Serendipity CD. I just kept focusing on going deeper, expressing my breath as fully as I could, as if it were a gift each time I breathed out. Eventually I fell into a rhythm of 5-2, then 5-2 again and holding my breath out, with an inward pumping action of my naval center on the next 5...and then a breathing in on the 2. It was a challenge at first to keep that sequence going, and then something within just released and felt so good, completely relaxed and surrendered when I’d lock the breath out and pump. It was truly hypnotic and peaceful.

Once I started with the 6-3 Zooming rhythm, I had to stop & start frequently because my stamina won’t allow me to maintain it on a street run (was no problem on the cycle in the gym…). Once I hit the run, I just focused on two things: 1) drawing my center in on the exhales, and 2) the sensation of my movement forward coming from the “toe hinge” of my big toes.

My Rolfing practitioner suggested last week that when I run I pay attention to the toe hinge, as a way to relieve the pressure on my hips (which are still tight), and that sensation was very strong in today’s run. I noticed how connected the toes are to the inner groin -- don't think I ever felt that connection quite as strongly. My Rolfing session a couple days ago was on the inner line from the feet to the groin, so I'm not surprised that inner line felt more energized than before.

So...I got lost in the rhythm of the breathing, the feeling of drawing my naval & waist in narrow, and using my toes to propel me forward. My feet eventually felt like hands turning a globe. Meanwhile, my hips felt like they were hanging softly from my spine. I don't think I've ever felt so relaxed in my upper body & hips while running before.

Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. Have been viewing it as a priority to energize myself every day, and to “clear out the cobwebs” in my mind to keep myself present to what I’m creating in my life.

This stuff is so great, because it always delivers.

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